Windows 10

How To Turn Windows 10 Computer Into a Wi-Fi Hotspot

In this tutorial, we are going to see how to turn Windows 10 computer into a Wi-Fi Hotspot. Your laptop has an Internet connection and you want to share it with your other wireless devices (tablet, smartphone, …) in WiFi? Thanks to the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, it’s easy.

How To Turn Windows 10 Computer Into a Wi-Fi Hotspot

Step 1: Click the Start button and then click Settings.


Step 2: Click on Network & Internet.

Step 3: In the left column, click on Mobile hotspot. Then enable the Share my Internet connection with other devices option. Then click on Edit.

Step 4: Customize the name and password of the created wireless network and click Save.

On your mobile devices, the newly created wireless network should appear. Connect to it with the password you set. And now you have access to the Internet.

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