Windows 10

How to Disable Security Questions in Windows 10

In this tutorial, we are going to see how to disable security questions in Windows 10. Starting with Windows 10 v1803 build 17063, Microsoft has made it mandatory to set security questions for local user accounts. The advantage of setting security questions is that you can easily reset the local user account password. All you have to do is answer a few questions. If you’re not a fan of these security questions, as of version 18237, you can disable security questions for local accounts in Windows 10. Once disabled, Windows 10 will no longer prompt you to set up security questions when creating new local user accounts.

Let’s show you how to enable or disable security questions for local user accounts in Windows 10.

Windows 10 does not give any option in the Settings App to disable security questions for local accounts. However, you can always enable or disable them from the Registry Editor.

How to Disable Security Questions in Windows 10

Step 1: To disable security questions on Windows 10. Right-click on the Start button, select Run.

Step 2: Type regedit and press Enter to open the Registry Editor.

Step 3: After that, navigate to the following Registry key:


Step 4: In the right pane, right-click on an empty space and select New -> DWORD (32 bits) value option.

Step 5: Name it NoLocalPasswordResetQuestions.

Step 6: Double-click on the NoLocalPasswordResetQuestions value. Enter “1” in the value data field and click OK. button.

Step 7: Restart Windows to apply the changes.
That’s All!

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