Windows 10

How to Schedule Restart in Windows 10

In this tutorial, we are going to see how to schedule restart in windows 10 using the Run command window, or via a simple program that you will create yourself.

Schedule Restart using Run Command

There is a DOS command on Windows called “shutdown” with attributes such as “-t”, “-s” or “-r” allowing respectively to execute the command after t seconds, to stop it or to restart it.

To restart the computer after X seconds, here is the command to follow:

shutdown -r -t X



Cancel the schedule

To cancel the schedule, simply execute this command:

shutdown -a


Schedule Restart Using a “.cmd” Program.

All you have to do is open a new Notepad file.


Then paste this code below.

@Echo off

Echo !! ------------------------------------ !!
Echo !!   System reboot management        !!
Echo !! ------------------------------------ !!
Echo 1 - Schedule system reboot...
Echo 2 - Cancel the schedule
Echo !! ------------------------------------ !!
SET /p Action=Your choice (1 or 2) :

IF %Action% == 1 GOTO RestartSchedule
IF %Action% == 2 GOTO CancelSchedule
IF %Action% GTR 2 GOTO WrongValue

shutdown -a
Echo Schedule Cancelled
Goto Fin

Echo !! Info : 1 heure = 3600 secondes !!
SET /p Secondes= Seconds before system reboot :
IF '%Secondes%' == '' GOTO RestartSchedule
shutdown -r -t %Secondes%

Echo !!! Warning : Incorrect value entered !!!


You only have to save the file with the extension “.cmd”.

Double-click to run the “.cmd” file program.

When you will execute the program you will have a window like this one:



Schedule Restart Using a Shortcut

Create a shortcut on the desktop to schedule the reboot. Right click on the desktop and then select : New > Shortcut

Copy and paste the following command. Here 3600 secondes = 1 heure

%SystemRoot%\System32\shutdown.exe -f -s -t 3600


Chose a name for the shortcut.

Here is an executable shortcut that you can modify at any time via the contextual menu (Right click then Properties)


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