Windows 10

How to Speed Up Windows 10 Shutdown

In this tutorial, we are going to see how to speed up windows 10 shutdown. If you’re old enough to have used a PC in the 90s, you’ll remember how quickly it shuts down. You just press the power button and walk away. While Windows 10 boots up very quickly, shutting down or restarting can take a while. Part of the problem is that the operating system waits a long time before quitting running programs.

In some cases, Windows 10 shuts down and waits indefinitely to force open apps to close. You can speed up your shutdowns by configuring Windows 10 to quickly remove running processes and applications.

How to Speed Up Windows 10 Shutdown


Step 1: Open the registry editor. You can do this by typing regedit in the search box.

Step 2: Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control.

Step 3: Open WaitToKillServiceTimeout.

Step 4: Set the value to 2000 and click OK. This is the time, in milliseconds, that Windows will wait for an unresponsive service to be removed. Most sites recommend not setting this value to less than 2000 so that the system has some time to close these processes without causing problems.

Step 5: Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop.

Step 6: Create a string value and name it WaitToKillAppTimeOut. You can create a string value by right-clicking in the right panel and selecting New > String Value.

Step 7: Open WaitToKillAppTimeOut and set it to 2000.

Step 8: Create a string value called HungAppTimeout and set it to 2000.

Create another string value called AutoEndTasks and set it to 1.


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