Windows 10

How to Turn off Notifications in Windows 10

In this tutorial, we are going to see how to turn off notifications in Windows 10. Notifications in Windows have evolved over time and Windows 10 has expanded the whole notification system even further. Notifications appear in the bottom right corner of your screen, which can be tedious when files are added to your Dropbox or you plug in a new device.

How to Turn off Notifications in Windows 10

Step 1: Click the notification icon at the bottom right of the screen. You’ll find it at the end of the toolbar, next to the date and time.

Step 2: Click on All Settings icon at the bottom right.

Step 3: On the main Settings screen, click on System.

Step 4: On the left menu, choose Notifications and actions.

Step 5: Scroll down until you see Get notifications from these senders section and see what you can disable by switching the button from On to Off.

Now you have turned off notifications on you your Windows computer.

One thought on “How to Turn off Notifications in Windows 10

  • This method failed to remove system notifications. Must be done gpo.


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