Java Swing GUI

JLayeredPane – Java Swing – Example

In this tutorial, we are going to see an example of JLayeredPane in Java Swing. JLayeredPane class is used to overlay components. It is used to provide a third dimension for component positioning and divide the depth range into several different layers.

Constructors of JLayeredPane class:
  • JLayeredPane() : It is used to create a new JLayeredPane.


Commonly used methods:
  • getIndexOf(Component c) : It is used to return the index of the specified component.
  • getLayer(Component c) : It is used to return the layer attribute for the specified component.
  • getPosition(Component c) : It is used to return the relative position of the component in its layer.

Example of JLayeredPane in Java Swing
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class MyJLayeredPane extends JFrame 
  public MyJLayeredPane() 
     setSize(200, 200);
     JLayeredPane pane = getLayeredPane();
     //Create buttons
     JButton btn1 = new JButton();
     btn1.setBounds(30, 30, 60, 60);
     JButton btn2 = new JButton();
     btn2.setBounds(50, 50, 60, 60);
     JButton btn3 = new JButton();
     btn3.setBounds(70, 70, 60, 60);
     //Add buttons to the panel by specifying the order
     pane.add(btn3, new Integer(1));
     pane.add(btn2, new Integer(2));
     pane.add(btn1, new Integer(3));
  public static void main(String[] args) 
      MyJLayeredPane frame = new MyJLayeredPane();


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