
Star Topology Advantages and Disadvantages

In this tutorial, we are going to see the Star Topology Advantages and Disadvantages. In a star topology, the computers in the network are connected to a central hardware system called a hub. This is a box containing a number of junctions to which network cables from the computers can be connected. The role of the hub is to ensure communication between the various junctions.

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Unlike networks built on a bus topology, networks following a star topology are much less vulnerable because one of the connections can be disconnected without paralyzing the rest of the network. The key point of this network is the hub because without it no more communication between the computers of the network is possible.

Advantages of Star Topology:

If one station becomes faulty, it will not affect the rest of the network.

Disadvantages of Star Topology:

If the switch fails, the entire network will become unusable.
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