Computer Network MCQ – Questions and Answers – Part 9
Networking MCQs questions with answers to prepare for exams, tests, and certifications. These questions are taken from a real written exam and some parts are taken from an interview. So you will find questions on CCNA, TCP/IP, Protocols, IP addressing issues, OSI model, and more. This MCQ will easily prepare anyone to pass their exam.
1. CRC stands for _______?
A Cyclic Redundancy Check
B Code Repeat Check
C Code Redundancy Check
D Cyclic Repeat Check
2. Which of the following is a data link protocol?
A Ethernet
B Point-to-point protocol
D All the answers are true
3. Which of the following protocols is Multiple Access Protocol for Channel Access Control?
D None of the above
4. The network layer handles _______?
A bits
B frames
C packages
D None of the above
5. Which of the following is not a function of the network layer?
A routing
B inter-networking
C congestion control
D None of the above
6. The 4 bytes of the IP address consist of the_________?
A network address
B host address
C network address and host address
D None of the above
7. In a virtual circuit network, each package contains_________?
A complete address of the source and destination
B a short number for VC
C only the source address
D only the destination address
8. Which of the following routing algorithms can be used for network design?
A Shortest path algorithm
B Distance vector routing
C Link state routing
D All the answers are true
9. Multi-destination routing _______.
A is same as broadcast routing
B contains the list of all destinations
C data is not sent in packages
D None of the above
10. A subset of a network that includes all routers but contains no loops is called_______.
A Spanning Tree
B Tocken ring
D None of the above