Computer Security MCQs – Multiple Choice Questions and Answers – Part 1

Multiple choice questions and answers (MCQs) on Computer Security to prepare for exams, tests, and certifications. These questions are taken from a real written exam and some parts are taken from an interview. So you will find questions on basic techniques such as encryption, signature, certificates, authentication, and more. This MCQ will easily prepare anyone to pass their exam.

1. In computer security, _______ means that active computer systems can only be modified by authorized persons.

A Confidentiality

B Integrity

C Availability

D Authenticity

Integrity, in terms of data and network security, is the fact that information can only be accessed and modified by those authorized to do so.



2. In computer security, _______ means that the information contained in a computer system can only be read by authorized persons.

A Confidentiality

B Integrity

C Availability

D Authenticity

Confidentiality means that the information in a computer system can only be read by authorized persons.



3. The types of threats to the security of a computer system or network are _______?

A Interruption

B Interception

C Modification

D Creation

E Fabrication

A, B, C, E



4. Which of the following is an independent malicious program that does not require any other program?

A Trap door

B Trojan Horse

C Virus

D Worm

A computer worm is an independent malicious computer program that replicates itself to spread to other computers. Often, it uses a computer network to spread, relying on security failures on the target computer to gain access.



5. The _______ is a code that recognizes a special input sequence or is triggered by an unlikely sequence of events.

A Trap door

B Trojan Horse

C Logic bomb

D Virus

Trap doors, also known as backdoors, are code fragments embedded in programs by the programmer(s) to allow quick access later, often during the testing or debugging phase. If an inattentive programmer leaves this code or forgets to remove it, a potential security hole is introduced.



6. The _______ is a code embedded in a legitimate program configured to “explode” when certain conditions are met.

A Trap door

B Trojan Horse

C Logic bomb

D Virus

A logic bomb is a piece of code inserted into an operating system or software application that implements a malicious function after a certain time, or if specific conditions are met.



7. Which of the following malware does not replicate automatically?

A Trojan Horse

B Virus

C Worm

D Zombie

Trojan horse is a malicious computer program that presents itself as legitimate software. Also called Trojan horse, it hides malware in a file on a normal appearance.



8. ________ is a form of virus explicitly designed to avoid detection by antivirus software.

A Stealth virus

B Polymorphic virus

C Parasitic virus

D Macro virus

Stealth virus is a computer virus that uses differents mechanisms to avoid detection by antivirus software.



9. A worm runs a copy of itself on another system?

A True

B False




10. A worm sends a copy of itself to other systems?

A True

B False



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