SQL IN Operator

The logical operator IN in SQL is used with the WHERE statement to check if a column is equal to one of the values included in the given set of values. It is a simple method to check if a column is equal to a value OR another value OR another value and so on, without having to use the OR operator multiple times.


To search for all rows where the column “column_name” is equal to ‘value 1’ OR ‘value 2’ or ‘value 3’, you can use the following syntax:

SELECT column_name
FROM table
WHERE column_name IN ( value1, value2, value3, ... )
Note: between the brackets there is no limit to the number of arguments. It is possible to add more values.

This syntax can be combined with the NOT operator to search for all lines that are not equal to one of the specified values.

SELECT column_name
FROM table
WHERE column_name NOT IN ( value1, value2, value3, ... )



Simplicity of the IN operator

The syntax used with the operator is simpler than using a succession of OR operators. To show this with an example, here are 2 queries that will return the same results, one uses the IN operator, while the other uses multiple OR.
Query with multiple OR :

FROM product
WHERE name = 'Keyboard' OR name = 'Mouse' OR name = 'RAM'

Equivalent query with the IN operator :

FROM product
WHERE name IN ( 'Keyboard', 'Mouse', 'RAM' )


|  id  |   name   | category   | stock |  price  |
|  101 | RAM      | computer   |  6    | 850     |
|  102 | Keyboard | computer   |  37   | 40      |
|  103 | Mouse    | computer   |  17   | 30      |
|  104 | Pencil   | furniture |  148  | 2       |
|  105 | Gum      | furniture |  250  | 1       |


If we want to get the name records of “Keyboard” and “Mouse”, we can use the following query:

FROM product
WHERE name IN ( 'Keyboard', 'Mouse' )


|  id  |   name   | category   | stock |  price  |
|  102 | Keyboard | computer   |  37   | 40      |
|  103 | Mouse    | computer   |  17   | 30      |
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