REPLACE() function in MySQL replaces all occurrences of a substring in a string.

Example 1:

In the example below, we replace “Java” with “MySQL” in “Learn Java” string and the column returned will contain “Learn MySQL”.

SELECT REPLACE("Learn Java", "Java", "MySQL");



REPLACE(str1, str2, str3)
  • str1 : The original string
  • str2 : The substring to replace
  • str3 : The new substring


Example 2:

Consider the following table of images:

|     id     |      name    |
|          1 | image001.jpg |
|          2 | image002.jpg |
|          3 | image003.jpg |
|          4 | image004.jpg |
|          5 | image005.jpg |

Suppose, we want to replace the substring “image” in the column “name” with an empty string. This can be done with the following query:

UPDATE Images set name = replace(name, 'image', '');

We will have the following output:

|     id     |      name    |
|          1 |      001.jpg |
|          2 |      002.jpg |
|          3 |      003.jpg |
|          4 |      004.jpg |
|          5 |      005.jpg |
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