MySQL Practice Exercises with Solutions – Ordering System Database – Part 9

We have split this collection of exercises on MYSQL into seven parts, this is the first one, then you will find the second part, the third part, the fourth part, the fifth part, the sixth part, seventh part, eighth part, and finally the ninth part these exercises are based on simple, advanced and finally complex MYSQL queries. These questions are based on the following three tables, Customer, Orders and OrderLine table.


Customer table


Orders table


OrderLine table


Download the file containing the SQL statements allowing the creation of these tables. (Click here)




1. Get the user with the first name “Ivan” and the password “password2”, considering that the encoding of the password is done with the Sha1 algorithm.

FROM `customer` 
WHERE `firstname` = 'Ivan'
AND `password` = SHA1("password2");

MySQL MD5()MySQL MD5()In SQL language, the MD5() function encrypts a string into a 32 character hexadecimal integer. The output can be particularly useful to be used as…Read More


2. Get the list of all products that are present on several orders.

SELECT name, COUNT(*) AS nbr_items 
FROM `orderLine` 
HAVING nbr_items > 1
ORDER BY nbr_items DESC;

MySQL HAVINGMySQL HAVINGHAVING clause is used in SELECT statement to specify filter conditions for a group of rows or aggregates. HAVING clause is often used with GROUP…Read More


3. Get the list of all the products that are present on several orders and add a column that lists the id of the associated orders.

SELECT name, COUNT(*) AS nbr_items , GROUP_CONCAT(`order_id`) AS order_list
FROM `orderLine` 
HAVING nbr_items > 1
ORDER BY nbr_items DESC;

MySQL GROUP BYMySQL GROUP BYThe GROUP BY clause is used to group rows with the same values, and is used in SELECT statement with aggregation functions such as COUNT,…Read More


4. Store the total price within each order line, based on the unit price and quantity.

UPDATE `orderLine` 
SET  `total_price` = (`quantity` * `unit_price`);

MySQL UPDATEMySQL UPDATEThe Update command is used to modify rows of a table. The Update command can be used to modify or update one or more fields…Read More


5. Get the total price for each order and the date associated with that order as well as the first and last name of the associated customer.

SELECT customer.firstname, customer.lastname, orders.purchase_date, order_id, SUM(total_price) AS order_price 
FROM `orderLine` 
LEFT JOIN orders ON = orderLine.order_id
LEFT JOIN customer ON = orders.customer_id
GROUP BY `order_id`;

MySQL SUM() with ExampleMySQL Select SUM() with ExampleIn SQL language, the SUM() aggregation function allows calculating the total sum of a column containing numerical values. This function only works on columns of…Read More MySQL LEFT JOINMySQL LEFT JOINIn the SQL language, the LEFT JOIN command (also called LEFT OUTER JOIN) is a type of join between 2 tables. It allows listing all…Read More


6. Store the total price of each order in the field named “order_total_price”.

UPDATE orders AS o
    ( SELECT order_id, SUM(total_price) AS total_p
      FROM orderLine 
      GROUP BY order_id ) l 
          ON = l.order_id 
SET o.order_total_price = l.total_p;

MySQL INNER JOIN with ExamplesMySQL INNER JOIN with ExamplesInner JOIN is used to return rows from two tables that meet a given condition. In MySQL, INNER JOIN selects all rows from two participating…Read More


7. Get the total price of all orders, for each month.

SELECT YEAR(`purchase_date`), MONTH(`purchase_date`), SUM(`order_total_price`) 
FROM `orders` 
GROUP BY YEAR(`purchase_date`), MONTH(`purchase_date`)
ORDER BY YEAR(`purchase_date`), MONTH(`purchase_date`);

How To Get Year From Date In MySQLHow To Get Year From Date In MySQLIn SQL language the YEAR() function allows extracting a year from a date in YYYY-MM-DD format.   Syntax: To use this function in a SQL…Read More How To Get Month From Date In MySQLHow To Get Month From Date In MySQLIn this tutorial, we are going to see how to get month from date in MySQL. In SQL language MONTH() function allows extracting month number…Read More


8. Get a list of the 10 customers who made the largest amount of orders, and get this total price for each customer.

SELECT customer.firstname, customer.lastname, SUM(order_total_price) AS order_amount
FROM `orders` 
LEFT JOIN customer ON = orders.customer_id
GROUP BY orders.customer_id
ORDER BY order_amount DESC

MySQL LIMITMySQL LIMITLIMIT keyword is used to limit the number of rows returned in the result of a query. It can be used in conjunction with SELECT,…Read More


9. Get the total price of orders for each date.

SELECT `purchase_date`, SUM(`order_total_price`) 
FROM `orders` 
GROUP BY `purchase_date`;


10. Add a column named “category” to the table containing the orders. This column will contain a numerical value.

ALTER TABLE `orders` ADD `category` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AFTER `order_total_price`;

How to Add a Column in a Table in MySQLHow to Add a Column in a Table in MySQLIn this tutorial, we are going to see how to add a column in a table in MySQL. The ALTER TABLE statement is used to…Read More


11. Enter the value of the category, according to the following rules:

  • “1” for orders under 200€.
  • “2” for orders between 200€ and 500€.
  • “3” for orders between 500€ and 1.000€.
  • “4” for orders over 1.000€.
UPDATE `orders` 
SET `category` = (
     WHEN order_total_price < 200 THEN 1
     WHEN order_total_price < 500 THEN 2
     WHEN order_total_price < 1000 THEN 3
     ELSE 4
  END );

CASE WHEN in MySQL with Multiple ConditionsCASE WHEN in MySQL with Multiple ConditionsIn this tutorial, we are going to see how to use CASE expression in MySQL with syntax and examples. CASE expression allows you to add…Read More


12. Create a table called “category_order” which will contain the description of these categories.

CREATE TABLE `category_order` (
  `description` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

MySQL CREATE TABLEMySQL CREATE TABLEIn this tutorial, we are going to see how to create a MySQL table. CREATE TABLE statement is used to create a new table in…Read More


13. Insert the 4 descriptions of each category in the table previously created.

  • “1” for orders under 200€.
  • “2” for orders between 200€ and 500€.
  • “3” for orders between 500€ and 1.000€.
  • “4” for orders over 1.000€.
INSERT INTO `category_order` (`id`, `description`) 
VALUES (1, 'Orders under 200€');

INSERT INTO `category_order` (`id`, `description`) 
VALUES (2, 'Orders between 200€ and 500€');

INSERT INTO `category_order` (`id`, `description`) 
VALUES (3, 'Orders between 500€ and 1.000€');

INSERT INTO `category_order` (`id`, `description`) 
VALUES (4, 'Orders over 1.000€');

MySQL INSERT INTOMySQL INSERT INTOIn this tutorial, we are going to see how to insert data with MySQL. To insert data into a MySQL table you need to use…Read More


14. Delete all orders (and orderLines) below January 7, 2022.

DELETE FROM `orderLine` 
WHERE `order_id` IN (SELECT id FROM orders WHERE purchase_date < '2022-01-07');
DELETE FROM `orders` WHERE purchase_date < '2022-01-07';

MySQL DELETEMySQL DELETEDELETE command is used to delete rows from a database table. DELETE command can delete multiple rows from a table in a single query. Once…Read More


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