In SQL language, the GROUP_CONCAT() function allows you to group the non-zero values of a group into a string. This is useful to group results in a single line as long as there are results in this group.

The most obvious advantage of this function is to concatenate the values of a column corresponding to a join with another table. In this way, it is not always necessary to carry out additional processing of the results to use the values.



This function can be used in SQL queries such as this one:

SELECT `id`, GROUP_CONCAT( `column_name` )
FROM `table`

In this SQL query, the values of the column “column_name” will be concatenated and separated by default by a comma.

It is possible to choose the character that is used as a separator by respecting the following syntax:

SELECT `id`, GROUP_CONCAT( `column_name` SEPARATOR ' ' )
FROM `table`

In this second SQL query, the values will be separated by a space.

Example :

Let’s consider the following table:
Products table

| id |   name  | category  |          description            |
| 1  | Pencil  | furniture | used to take notes              |
| 2  | Gum     | furniture | used to remove marks from paper |
| 3  | Modem   | computer  | allows connection to Internet   |
| 4  | Speaker | computer  | receive audio                   |



List categories and concatenate description:

It is possible to list all the categories and to use GROUP_CONCAT() function to display each of the titles associated with these categories, separated by a comma. It is, therefore, possible to use the following SQL query:

SELECT `category`, GROUP_CONCAT(`description`) AS description_concat
FROM `Products` 
GROUP BY `category`


| category  |                    description                     |
| furniture | used to take notes used to remove marks from paper |
| computer  | allows connection to Internet receive audio        |

The result of this SQL query shows that it is possible to use the GROUP_CONCAT() function to group all the descriptions of each of these categories in a single column.
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