MySQL String To Lowercase

The LOWER() function in SQL language allows you to transform all uppercase characters in a string into lowercase. This function can therefore be useful to present results in a certain way.

Warning: you should probably pay attention to the encoding used. With MySQL, the function uses by default the ISO 8859-1 Latin1 set.



The syntax of a query using this SQL function is as follows:


This query will return the following string:


This example shows that all lowercase characters will be changed to lowercase.

Example :

Let’s suppose an application with users. This application uses a table that stores the name, age, and address of each user.
Users Table:

|  userID  |   name    |  age   |             address           |
|    101   |   ALEX    |   25   | 819 Saint Francis Way         |
|    102   |   EMILY   |   15   | 171 Jarvisville Road Michigan |
|    103   |   JEAN    |   35   | 188 Clay Street Indiana       |
|    104   |   BOB     |   40   | 285 Java Lane Missouri        |



Display names with lower case letters

It is possible to display names in lower case by using the following SQL query:

SELECT id, LOWER(name) AS lower_name, age, address
FROM Users


|  userID  |   name    |  lower_name  |  age   |             address           |
|    101   |   ALEX    |  alex        |   25   | 819 Saint Francis Way         |
|    102   |   EMILY   |  emily       |   15   | 171 Jarvisville Road Michigan |
|    103   |   JEAN    |  jean        |   35   | 188 Clay Street Indiana       |
|    104   |   BOB     |  bob         |   40   | 285 Java Lane Missouri        |
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