IT Careers

Tips: Increase awareness as a freelance IT Specialist

The demand for IT talent continues constantly, which many people are well aware of. Accordingly, studying or training in IT is a future-oriented career path that enables promising positions. But how do you, as a freelance IT specialist, draw attention to yourself when the number of competitors is constantly increasing?

Away from old conventions

As a specialist, you are aware of your skills and can advertise them accordingly. Efforts to get noticed in the industry are basically similar to a marketing campaign. But the heyday of regular advertisements in trade magazines and mass-printed flyers is long gone. They can still be worthwhile in certain industries, but they are expensive. It is especially difficult to accept this as a computer scientist looking for a job. On the other hand, there are creative methods that are not only cheaper but often more effective.


Increase your reach with word of mouth

Even in the digital age, a good word does not lose its value. First of all, you can tell friends and acquaintances about your services and ask them to point you out to potential customers. When a potential customer finally contacts you, you use the opportunity to build a good long-term image. In addition to a professional appearance and technical expertise, small attentions can be effective for long-term marketing. Instead of a ballpoint pen in your hand like one of many, you better offer clients useful technology gadgets, like a storage device labeled with your contact information. In addition, the logo or your name on the USB stick will remind the client of your services.

If they are satisfied with your work, they will leave positive reviews on social media or review portals. In addition, the probability is high that they will recommend you to other agencies. It is therefore worthwhile to ask the client again for an evaluation after a project has been completed. Direct customer voices on your own website are also a convincing factor for uncertain prospects.


Expanding your online presence

When it comes to online presence, the first thought probably falls on social media. Of course, it is an advantage to have a profile on platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook that contains the most important contact data and personal history. Alternatively, you can attract the attention of companies through guerilla marketing on Facebook or Instagram.

However, many underestimate the effective use of a blog. In regular contributions, you can prove expertise by offering prospective customers high-quality content with added value for readers. You can effectively incorporate advertising that visitors initially do not perceive as such. In addition, a single domain is usually not very expensive and serves you even after a found job as a kind of diary of your skills and knowledge. Besides that, it should not be forgotten: Whoever owns a well-maintained website shows companies directly the skills in IT.


Networking is essential

Especially as a self-employed person, it is always an advantage to make good contacts. Anyone who tries to shine as a single service provider in isolation will find it difficult to prove himself. Thanks to the Internet, it is easier than ever to successfully expand a wide network. Starting out in a small circle of acquaintances, you will get to know specialists from different industries over time.

It is important not only to have the commercial purpose in mind. You not only make contacts to get new orders, but you also profit from the knowledge and good advice of other experts. Nevertheless, the more people know you, the more likely it is that someone will need your skills for a project.

Such acquaintances on a professional basis also open the doors for cooperation with other companies, blogs, or websites. This again increases the online visibility, so the aggressive idea of competition is rather out of place here.


Maintain customer contact

Acquiring new customers is often much more difficult and expensive than retaining existing clients. Accordingly, you should try to convince interested parties of you and win them as regular customers. So take care of existing customers and stay informed in order to offer direct support in case of a possible demand. Accepting a follow-up order costs less time and money than using new advertising methods to attract customers.
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