IT Careers

I Have a Computer Science Degree. Now What?

Computer scientists have many options for starting their careers. Anyone who has completed a degree in computer science does not have to worry about a lack of job openings. Yet the image of the somewhat strange computer specialist who sits in front of his PC all day has long since faded.

Rather, there are different areas of responsibility for young professionals after studying computer science. Regardless of the industry, without a functioning IT infrastructure and intelligent software programs, no company can operate successfully on the market. The topics of social media, cloud computing, and automation are also becoming increasingly important if a company wants to keep up with the competition.

As computer scientists, both generalists and real specialists are in demand for a small sub-area. Specialists can quickly build up an expert status here and become almost indispensable for your company. In addition to the classic work as a software developer, good web developers and specialists in the field of social media are also increasingly being sought.

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Graduates in computer science courses can start their careers in these areas

After successfully completing a computer science degree, you can start your career in almost any industry. Functioning IT processes are extremely important for every company, regardless of whether it is based in industry, the healthcare sector, or in retail. Particularly interesting areas of application for graduates of computer science studies are on the one hand in classic IT companies such as SAP.

But also in medical technology, the automotive industry, or the energy industry, good IT specialists are often desperately wanted. Of course, when you start your career, it depends on which area of computer science you specialized in during your studies. For example, a business IT specialist will deal with process optimization, while a media IT specialist or bioinformatics specialist will work on completely different areas of responsibility.

Software developer

The classic IT job is working as a software developer. Your main task here is, of course, the design and programming of software and apps for various processes. Unlike common prejudices, software developers do not work all day in a quiet little room, rather everyday work often consists of teamwork.

New projects are coordinated in meetings and implemented in close cooperation with team colleagues. The main tasks of a software developer are on the one hand the classic development of the programs, but also the documentation and the software architecture. As a software developer, you should therefore not only have specialist knowledge but also be able to work in a team and have a good understanding of processes.
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Web developer

Anyone who already focused on the web area during their studies and is skilled in the different web languages such as Javascript or PHP will surely find a good entry point as a web developer. As a web developer, you are not only responsible for creating the company website, but also for the care and maintenance of the website.

Here you repair errors on the site or optimize the website for search engines and social media channels. Web developers often work as freelancers and create websites for various clients. But agencies also offer entry positions as web developers.
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IT consultant

If you also enjoy dealing with other people in addition to programming work, starting your job as an IT consultant after completing your degree in computer science is the right choice. In order to be able to work successfully here, a high level of communication skills and a serious manner is enormously important. You should also be able to handle numbers well since the IT projects have to be calculated and represented to the customer. Your tasks as an IT consultant include maintaining the customer base and building new customer relationships.
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This is what you can earn after your computer science degree

As a computer scientist, you have very good career prospects. As digitalization continues, IT professionals will become even more important for companies in the future. Anyone who acquires special knowledge here at an early stage, preferably during their studies, becomes a sought-after specialist. Due to the wide range of possible applications as a graduate of a computer science degree, a general statement on the starting salary is difficult to make.

However, the starting salary of a computer scientist is almost always higher than that of graduates from other degree programs. Graduates with a master’s degree can expect earnings in the range of $70,000 to $90,000. The salary depends on the industry and the size of your employer. If you were able to gain experience as an intern or working student during your studies, you will be in the upper range of the specified range.
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