PHP Questions and Answers – Arrays – Part 4

This collection of PHP Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs): Quizzes & Practice Tests with Answer focuses on “PHP Arrays”.

1. What is the result of the following PHP code?
    $number = array("2", "str", 4);

A 4

B 2

C 6

D 2str4

The built-in function array_sum() add all the values of the input array, returning the sum. If a string is found, it will be ignored.



2. What is the result of the following PHP code?
    $arr = array ("A", "B", "C", "D", "E");
    $splice = array_splice ($arr, 2);
    print_r ($arr);

A Array([0] => D, [1] => E)

B Array([0] => A, [1] => B)

C Array([3] => D, [4] => E)

D Array([0] => C, [1] => D)

The built-in function array_splice() removes all elements of an array found within a specified range.



3. What is the result of the following PHP code?
    $age = array("alex"=>"18", "bob"=>"25", "emily"=>"55");
    print_r(array_change_key_case($age, CASE_UPPER));

A Array([Alex] => 18, [Bob] => 25, [Emily] => 55)

B Array([ALEX] => 18, [BOB] => 25, [EMILY] => 55)

C Array([alex] => 18, [bob] => 25, [emily] => 55)

D None of the above

The built-in function array_change_key_case() changes all keys in an array to lowercase or uppercase.



4. What is the result of the following PHP code?
    $names = array("Alex", "Bob", "Emily", "Ali");
    print_r(array_chunk($names, 2));


    [0] => Array
            [0] => Alex
            [1] => Bob
    [1] => Array
            [0] => Emily
            [1] => Ali


    [1] => Array
            [0] => Alex
            [1] => Bob
    [2] => Array
            [0] => Emily
            [1] => Ali


      [0] => Alex
      [1] => Bob
      [0] => Emily
      [1] => Ali

D None of the above

The built-in function array_chunk() splits an array into chunks of new arrays.



5. Which of the following built-in functions is used to sort the array in the natural order?

A casesort()

B dsort()

C natcasesort()

D naturalsort()

The built-in function natcasesort() sorts an array by using a natural order algorithm. All the values maintain their original keys.



6. What is the result of the following PHP code?
    $names = array("Alex", "Bob", "Emily", "Ali");
    $res = array_slice ($names, 2);
    print_r ($res);

A Array([0] => Bob [1] => Emily [2] => Ali)

B Array([0] => Ali [1] => Emily)

C Array([0] => Emily [1] => Ali)

D None of the above

The built-in function array_slice() returns a portion of an array based on a starting and ending offset value.



7. What is the result of the following PHP code?
    $arr = array("A"=>"Alex", "B"=>"Bob", "E"=>"Emily");
    echo array_shift($arr);
    print_r ($arr);

A Array([B] => Bob [E] => Emily)

B Array([A] => Alex [B] => Bob [E] => Emily)

C AlexArray([B] => Bob [E] => Emily)

D None of the above

The built-in function array_shift() removes the first element from an array, and returns the value of the removed element.



8. What is the result of the following PHP code?
    $a = array("Alex", "Bob", "Emily");

A Array([0] => Alex [1] => Bob [2] => Emily)

B Array([0] => Bob [1] => Emily)

C Array([0] => Alex [1] => Bob)

D Array([1] => Alex [2] => Bob)

The built-in function array_pop() deletes the last element of an array.



9. What is the result of the following PHP code?
    $animals = array ("Cat", "Dog", array ("Tiger", "Alligator"), "Mouse");
    echo (count($animals, 1));

A 4

B 5

C 6

D 7

The array entity holding “Tiger” and “Alligator” is counted as an item, just as its contents are.



10. Which of the following built-in functions is used to add a value to the end of an array?

A add_array()

B array_unshift()

C inend_array()

D array_push()

array_push allow us to add a value to the end of an array, and it return the total of elements in the array after the new value has been added.

    $arr = array("A", "B");
    array_push($arr, "C", "D");


    [0] => A
    [1] => B
    [2] => C
    [3] => D


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