Java MCQ – Multiple Choice Questions and Answers – Data Types and Variables – Part 2

This collection of Java Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs): Quizzes & Practice Tests with Answer focuses on “Java data types and variables”.

1. In Java int, short, byte and long all of these are _________

A unsigned

B signed

C Both of the above

D None of these

In Java int, short, byte and long all of these are signed. Only “String” is unsigned, signed data means the data should be declared before using it.

2. Which of the following is a valid declaration of a boolean?

A boolean b1 = 'true';

B boolean b2 = false;

C boolean b3 = 'false';

D boolean b4 = 1;

Boolean can only be assigned true or false literals.

3. An expression include byte, int, and numbers is moved up to which of these?

A int

B long

C byte

D float

An expression include byte, int, and numbers is moved up to int before any calculation is done.

4. What is the default value of a variable declared boolean?



C null

D 1

The default value of a variable declared boolean is False.

5. Which data type(s) can store 64 bit Value?

A boolean

B int

C long

D float

Long data type can store 64 bit Value.

6. Scope of Byte Data Type is ______.

A -128 to 128

B -127 to 127

C -127 to 128

D -128 to 127

Scope of Byte Data Type is -128 to 127.

7. What is the output of the following code?
public class A
    public static void main(String args[])
	   int a;
 	   a = 10;
	   if(a == 10)
		  int b = 20;
		  System.out.print("a and b: "+ a + " " + b);
		  b = a*2;
	   b = 100;
	   System.out.print("a and b: " + a + " " + b);

A 10 20 10 100

B 10 20 10 20

C 10 20 10 10

D Error

Variable b is accessed out of its area. Since the variable b is declared inside if block so its area is limited to the if block only. Outside if block variable b is unidentified, so it will result in an error.

8. float is represented with ______ and double is represented with ______.

A 32 and 64

B 64 and 64

C 32 and 32

D 64 and 32

Size of float is 32-bit pattern and double is 64-bit pattern.

9. Which automatic type conversion is feasible?

A long to int

B int to long

C byte to int

D short to int

B, C, D
Automatic Type conversion take place when:

  1. The two data types are compatible.
  2. When we assign value of a smaller data type to a bigger data type.

10. What is the output of the following code?
public class Q10 
    static void echo(float x)

    static void echo(double x)

    public static void main(String[] args)

A double

B float

C Compilation Error

D Exception is thrown at runtime

  • floating-point numbers are by default of type double.
  • 25.5 is a double not a float.
  • To print “float” cast 25.5 to (float)
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