AngularJs MCQs – Multiple Choice Questions and Answers – Part 1

Multiple choice questions and answers (MCQs) on AngularJs to prepare for exams, tests, and certifications. These questions are taken from a real written exam and some parts are taken from an interview. So you will find questions on basic techniques such as curd operations, HTTP services, template, routing, and more. This quiz will easily prepare anyone to pass their online test.

1. Angular Js is based on _______?

A MVC architecture

B MVVM architecture

C Pattern Decorator

D Pattern Observer




2. AngularJS expressions are written using _______?

A [expression]

B {{expression}}

C {{{expression}}}

D (expression)

Example {{ 1 + 2 }} or {{ firstName + " " + lastName }}



3. What is the correct way to apply multiple filters in AngularJs?

A {{ expression | filter1 | filter2 | … }}

B {{ expression | {filter1} | {filter2} | … }}

C {{ expression – {filter1} – {filter2} – … }}

D {{ {filter1} | {filter2} | … – expression}}

Example :

<p>My name is {{ lastName | uppercase | reverse }}</p>



4. Which Angular JS community does it belong to?

A Twitter

B Google

C Microsoft

D Facebook

AngularJS is an open source front-end web framework based on JavaScript mainly maintained by Google.



5. AngularJS is completely based on HTML and JavaScript?

A True

B False

AngularJS extends HTML attributes with directives and binds data to HTML with expressions. AngularJS is a JavaScript framework written in JavaScript.



6. What is a controller in MVC?

A It is a software code that stores the data

B It is a software code that makes the user interface

C It is a software code that controls the interactions between the model and the view.

D None of the above




7. What is View in MVC?

A View represents a database view.

B View is responsible for processing the data.

C View is responsible for displaying all or part of the data to the user.

D None of the above

View is responsible for displaying all or part of the data to the user.



8. The $http service is used to make an Ajax call to the server.

A True

B False

AngularJS provides the $http control which works as a service to make an ajax call to read data from the server.



9. Custom directives are used in AngularJS to extend the functionality of HTML.

A True

B False

Custom directives are used in AngularJS to extend the functionality of HTML.



10. Which of the following can be used as a prefix for a directive?

A ng-

B x-

C data-

D All the answers are true

Angular directives are used to extend the power of HTML by giving it a new syntax. Each directive has a name – either one of Angular’s predefined names like ng-repeat, or a custom name that can be called anything. And each directive determines where it can be used: in an element, attribute, class or comment.


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