100 Multiple Choice Questions In C Programming – Part 4

This collection of 100 Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs) In C Programming : Quizzes & Practice Tests with Answer focuses on “C Programming”.

1. What does != ?

A equals

B different

C less

D complement

The difference operator != Checks that a variable is different from a value. x!=3 Returns 1 if x is different from 3, else 0.



2. What is the problem when declaring the following variable?
float 4Room-Hall-Kitchen?;

A The variable name starts with an integer

B The special character “-”

C The special character “?”

D All the answers are true

The variable name must not start with an integer, and must not contain special character like “-, ?, …”.



3. What is the output of the following C program?
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
   int thisvariablename = 23;
   int ThisVariableName = 26;
   printf("%d", ThisVariableName);
   return 0;

A The program displays 23

B The program displays 26

C The program displays a runtime error

D The program will cause a compilation error due to the re-declaration

The variable names “thisvariablename” and “ThisVariableName” are different because C is case sensitive. The output is as follows:

$gcc prog4.c
$ a.out



4. After these operations, what will “res” be equal to?
int A = 4;
Res = 5 + A++;
Res += 2 + A;
Res -= 4 + (--A)
Res = Res + A++;

A 9

B 10

C 12

D 14

Increment/decrement a variable and at the same time assign its value to another variable. In this case we have to choose between prefix and postfix notation:

X = I++: first pass the value of I to X and then increment
X = I-- : first pass the value of I to X and then decrement
X = ++I : first increments and passes the incremented value to X
X = --I : decrement first and pass the decremented value to X

Example: Let’s suppose that the value of N is equal to 5:

Postfix increment:

X = N++;
Result: N=6 and X=5


Prefix increment:

X = ++N;
Result: N=6 and X=6



5. Which of these expressions should not be declared as a variable name?

A volatile

B export

C friend

D true

“volatile” is a keyword in C.



6. What is the output of the following C program?
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
   int a[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        if ((char)a[i] == '4')
           printf("%d\n", a[i]);

A Compiler reports an error

B The program compiles and displays 4

C The program compiles and displays the ASCII value of 4

D The program compiles and displays FAIL 4 times

The ASCII value of 4 is 52, so the condition ((char)a[i] == '4') returns false. The output is as follows:

$gcc prog1.c
$ a.out



7. If the variable A = 0, what is the value of the variable B when the following code is executed?
if(A != 0) B=3; else B=0;

A B = 0

B B = 3

C Compilation error

D Will throw an exception

You are allowed to remove the curly braces { and } if you have only one statement after the condition.

For example:

	do something;
	do something else;

Can be written like this:


Or even like this:

if(condition) instructions; else instruction2;



8. How to make the variable A be a true boolean if B contains at least 1?

A A = B > 1

B A = B !=1

C A = B > 0

D A = B >= 0

If B contains 1 and A = B > 0. So the variable A will be true, because 1 > 0.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int B = 1, A;
    A = B > 0;
    printf("%d", A);   // 1 <=> true
    return 0;



9. How many times do we get through the following loop?
int c = 10;

	printf("Hello World\n");
while(c < 10);

A 0

B 1

C 9

D 10

do…while… repeats a sequence of instructions as long as a condition is met. The group of instructions is executed at least one time.



10. The identifier ‘%i’ is also used for _____?

A char

B int

C float

D double

Both %d and %i can be used as format identifiers for integer variable.


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