Linux MCQs – Init and Shutdown Process

Multiple choice questions and answers (MCQs) on Linux focuses on “Init and Shutdown Process” to prepare for exams, interviews, and certifications, such as Redhat exam, CompTIA exam, Ubuntu / SuSE certification, LPI certification exam. These MCQs will easily prepare anyone to pass their Linux test.

1. Which is loaded into memory at system startup?

A Kernel

B Shell

C Commands

D Script

The kernel (but not its modules) will be loaded into memory. If there are modules that the kernel will need before the file systems are available (this usually means drivers and devices), these modules will be in initramfs (in memory) and the kernel will load them from there. Other modules can be loaded later from the file system.



2. The process of starting a computer is known as ________ ?

A Boot Loading

B Boot Record

C Boot Strapping

D Booting

Boot strapping refers to an automatic startup process, and refers to the process of loading the basic software into the memory of a computer after powering on.



3. Boot straping is also known as ____ ?

A Quick boot

B Cold boot

C Hot boot

D Fast boot

To perform a cold boot (also called “Cold boot” or “Boot strapping”), you must boot a computer that has been turned off. It is often used in preference to a warm boot, which involves restarting a computer after it has been turned on. A cold boot is usually done by pressing the computer’s power button.



4. Which of the following is not a valid execution level?


B 0

C 8

D 1


The execution levels are : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and S

  • 0 = shutdown
  • 1 = single-user (maintenance mode)
  • 2 = multi-user mode
  • 3-5 = same as 2
  • 6 = reboot



5. The shell used in single-user mode is _____ ?

A bash

B Csh

C ksh

D sh

Single-user mode, also called maintenance mode and their execution level is 1, is a computer operating mode running Linux or another Unix-like operating system, which provides the least possible services and minimal functionality. It is useful for booting a computer whose operating system has been damaged and does not work normally and for performing certain diagnostic and repair tasks.



6. The shell in single-user mode runs as ____ ?

A Admin user

B Root user

C Normal user

D Log user




7. What is the only partition mounted in single-user mode ?

A boot

B usr

C root

D tmp

The only partition mounted in single-user mode is the root partition.



8. Which file is read by “init” to get the default execution level?

A /etc/profile

B /etc/init

C /etc/boot

D /etc/inittab

/etc/inittab file describes how the INIT process should configure the system in a specific execution level.



9. The process identifier of “init” is ____ ?

A 2

B 1

C 0

D -1

The process identifier of “init” is 1.



10. When the kernel has finished booting, what process is started?

A /etc/init

B /etc/sched

C /etc/swap

D /etc/kernel

The Kernel is the part of the operating system that loads first, and it stays in the main memory. Generally, the Kernel is responsible for memory management, process management and disk management. The Kernel connects the system hardware to the application software. Every operating system has a kernel.

init is the parent of all processes on the system, it is executed by the kernel and is responsible for starting all other processes; it is the parent of all processes whose natural parents are dead and is responsible for picking them up when they die. The processes managed by init are called jobs and are defined by files in the /etc/init directory.



11. Which daemon manages physical memory by moving the process that is in ‘physical memory’ to the ‘swap space’ when more physical memory is needed?

A Swap daemon

B Init daemon

C Process daemon

D Sched daemon

It is normal for Linux systems to use swap, even if physical memory (RAM) is always free. The kernel moves memory pages that are hardly used into swap memory. The use of swap becomes a problem only when the amount of available physical memory is insufficient, and the kernel is forced to constantly move memory pages to the swap space and back to physical memory, just to keep the applications running. In this case, the System Monitor Applications show a large amount of disk I/O activity.


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